
Tuban: The Trading Gate of The North Coast of East Java

admin | 24 January 2022

Tuban: The Trading Gate of The North Coast of Java

Ali Mufrodi¹, Aminuddin Kasdi², Sepnia Alrianingrum³, Sumarno, Wisnu




Perjalanan rempah Nusantara sampai ke Eropa melalui rute panjang dari Arab, Persia, India menuju Sumatra, Jawa, Sulawesi, dan Maluku. Jalur ini sebagai embrio terbentuknya jalur rempah internasional “the spice route”. Tuban berperan penting sebagai pelabuhan transito perdagangan rempah Nusantara menuju Eropa. Peran ini menumbuhkan permasalahan: (1) Bagaimana Tuban menjadi pelabuhan transito? (2) Bagaimana peran dan dinamika Tuban sebagai pelabuhan transito jalur rempah di pantura Jawa? dan (3) Mengapa terjadi kemunduran Tuban pada abad ke-17? Tujuan penulisan artikel ilmiah ini untuk menganalisis pelabuhan transito Tuban pada abad ke-11 sampai ke-17. Metode sejarah analitik dengan pendekatan multidimensi menjadi dasar analisis memahami dimensi arkeologis, filologis, antropologis, sosiologis, ekonomis, politis, serta agama di Tuban sebagai jalur rempah dan pelabuhan transito. 

Hasil penelitian menegaskan Tuban menjadi mata rantai jalur rempah internasional pasca Malaka dikuasai Portugis tahun 1511. Kebutuhan dan jalur rempah di Tuban dimulai abad ke-15 membangun dinamika hubungan antara Maluku dengan Tuban, Malaka, India, Gujarat, Bagdad, Mesir, Konstantinopel, Venesia, dan Genoa. Dinamika jalur rempah Tuban memiliki beberapa komoditas, seperti legen, tuak, dendeng, dan kuliner laut berbumbu rempah. Temuan terpentingnya adalah geutta Tuban terkenal hingga mancanegara. Tuban menjadi produsen geutta Tuban sebagai minuman pesta, pengganti wiski. Pelabuhan Tuban mundur akhir abad ke-17 karena: (1) pendangkalan di tepi pantainya; (2) tumbuhnya pelabuhan lain, seperti Gresik dan Surabaya; (3) berkembangnya Jepara sebagai pelabuhan transito baru, dan (4) adanya perompak laut di perairan Tuban. 

Kata kunci: Tuban, perdagangan, jalur rempah 



The journey of Nusantara spices to Europe took a long route from Arabia, Persia, India to Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and Maluku. This route is the embryo of the international spice route's formation. Tuban played an important role as a transit port for the archipelago's spice trade to Europe. This role raises problems (1) How did Tuban become a transit port? (2) What is the role and dynamics of Tuban as a transit port for spice routes at the north coast of Java? and (3) Why did Tuban decline in the 17th century? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamic of Tuban transit port from the 11th to the 17th century. The analytical history method with a multi-dimensional approach is the basis for understanding the archaeological, philological, anthropological, sociological, economic, political, religious dimensions in Tuban as a spice route and transit port.

The results of the study confirm that Tuban became a link in the international spice route after Malacca was controlled by the Portuguese in 1511. The needs and spice routes in Tuban began in the 15th century to build the dynamics of Maluku relations with Tuban, Malacca, India, Gujarat, Baghdad, Egypt, Constantinople, Venice, and Genoa. The dynamics of the Tuban spice route has spice commodities such as legen, palm wine, beef jerky, and spiced seafood. The most important finding is that the Tuban geutta is famous to foreign countries. Tuban became a producer of Tuban geutta as a party drink, a substitute for whiskey. The port of Tuban retreated at the end of the 17th century due to: (1) siltation on the shore; (2) the growth of other ports such as Gresik and Surabaya; (3) the development of Jepara as a new transit port; and (4) the presence of pirates in the waters of Tuban.

Keywords: Tuban, trade, spice route


¹ Islamic History

² Historical Archeology

³ Cultural Anthropology

 Political History

⁵ Economic History

Editor: Moh. Atqa & Tiya S.

Translator: Dhiani P.

Image: Lulus Andika

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