Laguna Teluk Samawi


17 November 2021

“Laguna Teluk Samawi” is a short documentary film from Aceh as a part of Bumi Rempah Nusantara untuk Dunia Festival.

The ancient seaport history in Lhokseumawe hasn’t been revealed to this day literally and visually to the public. However, the documentary film wrapped in the journey drama of a traveler, revealed small facts of life of the seaport, which became the entry of maritime trade in Nusantara Spice Routes.

“Laguna Teluk Samawi” revealed the artifacts discovered by the archaeologists or researchers of Samudera Pasai history around Lhokseumawe, Aceh. It also strengthened various manuscripts that tell of a bay filled with thousands of traders’ ships of Europeans and Asians.

The short documentary tried to open the eyes of all parties, especially the policyholders in Aceh and Indonesia, to dig into the history of maritime civilization in Lhokseumawe, which was glorious before and during the Dutch colonization. Thus, the documentary also becomes a new historical literacy for Aceh and Indonesia's young generation and students.

Watch the full story of “Laguna Teluk Samawi” and other exciting treats of Bumi Rempah Nusantara untuk Dunia Festival on Jalur Rempah RI YouTube channel!

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