Opera Hang Ciau


15 November 2021

“Opera Hang Ciau” is a drama musical performance from Bintan Island as a part of Bumi Rempah Nusantara untuk Dunia Festival.

Once upon a time, there was a distinguished kingdom named Teluk Buana. The location of this kingdom was very strategic, and it became the primary place for ships to berth, transit, and trade. With its location in the cross waters of the silk road, the people of Teluk Buana lived prosperously. It was a result of the trade activities around the port area.

Unexpectedly, the neighboring kingdom, Lubuk Beranyut Kingdom, envied them. Although it became the transit point for trade ships, the location was not as busy as Teluk Buana. The envy led them to make a trick to bring down the Teluk Buana Kingdom. The Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and several talented people from the Lubuk Beranyut Kingdom began to make violence on the land of Teluk Buana.

Watch the full story of “Opera Hang Ciau”, and other exciting treats of Bumi Rempah Nusantara untuk Dunia Festival on Jalur Rempah RI YouTube channel!

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