Balinese Cuisine Recipes: One of the Most Complex Cuisines in the World


1 September 2021

Preparing the feast in Tenganan village, Bali

Balinese foods

Balinese rujak buah (fruit rujak)

Balinese women preparing and selling rujak buah.

Balinese Roast Pig / Babi Guling Bali

Balinese style meat dishes, Babi Guling with Sate Lilit ayam

Ayam Betutu and Bebek Betutu: Balinese spicy grilled chicken and duck

Tipat Cantok: Balinese ketupat (rice cake) with vegetables served in peanut sauce dressing

Laklak, a traditional Balinese snacks

Balinese cuisine recipes is one of the most complex cuisines in the world. They involve an incredible variation of spices combined with fresh veggies, chicken, fish, seafood, and pork. As a part of Indonesian cuisine, Balinese cuisine recipes show an authentic tradition and the influence of Indonesian foods from other regions. Further, Bali’s position in history as one of the important ports in the Nusantara spice trade, other places, like China and India, also influenced the Balinese cuisine. 

As an island with a Hindu majority, the Balinese cuisine tradition is different from other regions in Indonesia. Many dishes are specially served as an offering and other servings are consumed communally during religious festivals or ceremonies. Another influence from Hindu culture in Balinese cuisine is the absence of beef. 

There is a “mother sauce” for Balinese Cuisine called ‘basa gede’ or ‘basa rajang’ in the Balinese culinary world. Basa gede consists of garlic, red chili pepper, Asian red onion, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, palm sugar, cumin, shrimp paste, and bay leaf. 



Image Sources:

Riza Nugraha/Wikimedia Commons

Everett Harper/Wikimedia Commons

Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia Commons

Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia Commons

Jeff McNeill/Wikimedia Commons

Crisco 1492/Wikimedia Commons

Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia Commons

Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia Commons

Joseagush/Wikimedia Commons

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