
The Government of Aceh’s Competence for the Spice Routes Program

admin| 13 December 2020

“The spice exists because of Aceh; Aceh exists because of the spice. Therefore, the spice is Aceh; Aceh is the spice,” Ananto K. Seta, the chairman of Indonesian Spice Routes from the Directorate General of Culture, opened the Meeting of the Spice Routes Aceh in Biro Isra Setda of Aceh Province, Tuesday (17/11). 

Led by T. Dadek, M.Si, the Assistant II of the Governor of Aceh, the primary purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness about the Spice Routes and the potential and see the presentation about Indonesian Spice Routes

Besides the Head of the Institute for Preservation Cultural Value of Aceh Irini Dewi Wanti S.S, M.SP. and the Head of the Institute for Preservation of Cultural Heritage Drs. Nurmatias, many stakeholders who participated in the collective work to carry on Indonesian Spice Routes as UNESCO world heritage, also came to the event.

Other than the stakeholders, including the Head of AAI Pengda Aceh Dr. Bustami Abubakar, MSI of Aceh Province Drs. Mawardi Umar, M.Hum, M.A., ATL of Aceh Province Dr. Reza Idria, and the Head of Mamasa of Aceh Province Dr. Hermansyah, there were also representations from related departments, such as the Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh Province, Department of Education and Culture of North Aceh Regency, Department of Education and Culture of Banda Aceh, Department of Fisheries and Oceans of Aceh Province, Pawang Laot of Aceh Province, and local cultural practitioners. 

The Government of Aceh also welcomed and supported the event with open arms. They planned five agendas to participate in the cultural work that makes Indonesia proud on the world stage. They were: the acceleration of the cultural qanun of Aceh, conducting scientific studies concerning the Spice Routes, conducting Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh 2022 [Aceh Cultural Week 2022] with the theme the Spice Routes, and the collaboration of Andaman and Southeast Asia as the Spice Routes of Aceh. 

The Government of Aceh’s competence was continued by arranging a Letter of Decree draft of the Government of Aceh’s Spice Routes team. Once the Letter of Decree is assigned, the team will discuss the work program and realize the Spice Routes as the priority program in the cultural sector.  


Text: Doni Ahmadi

Translator: Dhiani Probhosiwi

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