

Sandalwood (Santalum album) is a tree that produces wood and oil. Both the sandalwood tree and the root contain a yellow aromatic oil that lasts for years. Sandalwood is distilled and the steam produces oil which is used as an ingredient in perfumes, soaps, candles, incense, aromatherapy, and bayonet keris (warangka). It is one of the native plants of Indonesia, especially from Timor and Sumba Islands, East Nusa Tenggara. Sandalwood enlivens the world's perfume trade routes centered on the Arabian peninsula, the oldest center of incense fragrance trade. Since thousands of years ago, fragrance is an important element in religious rituals, medicine, beauty, and preservation of the bodies of kings and nobilities.
  • 24 October 2020

    The Lesser Sunda Islands, a Port of Call in the Sp...